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We have identified 3 segments of potential bus users based on participants’ responses to the 19 drivers of the multiple-choice questionnaire
Flexible Commuters (28%):
- Tend to know their bus services and find using them only slightly less convenient than going by car
- Tentatively able to make use of their time on the bus (e.g. resting, communicating, reading)
- Might be receptive to promoting the bus as an environment-friendly travel option
- Have often some flexibility on when to show up for work/education
- Typically travel alone and just to one location a day
- Often prefer to cycle or walk instead of using the bus where possible
- Mostly don’t have children under 18
- Generally open to use the bus though judging it as a slightly less favourable alternative than the Flexible Commuters
- Able to make use of their time on the bus
- Less open to walking/cycling instead of going by bus
- Less likely to travel alone, often travel to more than one location a day and are usually home in the evening
- Typically caring for one or two children under 18
- Tend to have a lower household income
Working Parents (34%):
- See using the car as far more convenient, feel very dependent on owning a car, and are less informed about their local bus options
- Are very concerned about coming to work/education on time
- Usually travel to more than one location a day and are more likely to travel in the evening
- Don’t see bus fares as value for money
- Mind lack of privacy on the bus
Car Lovers (38%):
36 participants above sixty (“Bus Pass Holders”) and 15 participants older than twenty-four who cannot drive (“Bus-dependent Users”) are excluded.
Statistical cluster analysis allowed grouping survey participants into 3 market segments by searching for commonalities
in participants survey responses.
Target group
because Flexible Commuters have the most favourable attitude and lifestyle for growth in patronage