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We identified 19 relevant attitude and lifestyle drivers for bus usage

Driver A: Using the bus is difficult

Q10 There are many problems and difficulties with using buses (0.7)

Q11 I don’t feel in control of the situation when using the bus (0.7)

Q12 That buses don’t always arrive according to the timetable tremendously decreases their attractiveness (0.6)


Driver B: Knowledge about bus services

Q15 I roughly know the fares of my local bus service (0.7)

Q17 I know where the buses at my nearest bus stop go to (0.7)

Driver C: Planning a new bus journey is easy

Q18 I think it is easy to plan a journey on a bus route that I haven't used previously (1)

Driver D: Cars are more convenient than buses

Q24 When in a traffic jam, I prefer to sit in my car rather than on a bus (0.7)

Q25 I like travelling by car (0.7)

Q27 Driving by car rather than going by bus saves me a lot of time (0.6)

Q32 If possible, I try to use public transport instead of driving by car (-0.6)

Q33 Cars are the most convenient way to get around (0.7)

Driver E: Dependent on having a car

Q29 If for some reason I could no longer use my car, I would find this extremely inconvenient (0.8)

Q30 Without a car I can’t handle my daily life (0.9)

Driver F: Using buses for the environment

Q14 People who drive a lot should be made to pay more for environmental damages (0.6)

Q23 I try to use the car less for environmental reasons (0.6)

Driver G: Using time on the bus

Q03 Going by bus is good for relaxation (0.7)

Q04 Travelling by bus is an opportunity for me to get in touch with others (0.5)

Q05 Going by bus allows me to do other things while travelling (e.g. telephone calls, reading, playing with my phone, eating) (0.3)

Driver H: Prefer walking/cycling to going by bus

Q20 If I have a choice, I rather walk 1 mile than taking the bus (0.7)

Q21 If I have a choice, I rather cycle 2 miles than taking the bus (0.7)

Driver I: Lack of privacy on bus

Q06 It bothers me that I am confronted with awkward people on buses (0.5)

Q07 I feel safe and secure together with other passengers on the bus


Q08 I don’t like it if somebody sits directly next to me on the bus (0.5)

Driver J: Buses are value for money

Q16 Bus tickets are value for money (-0.6)

Q26 I think travelling by car is cheaper than by bus (0.6)

Driver K: Requires full reliability

Q09 As long as I know that the bus will come at most a few minutes late, I don’t mind waiting for it (1)

Driver L: Social status of bus users

Q13 The large majority of bus users are either not able to drive a car or cannot afford buying an own car (1)

Driver M: Active in the evening

Q37 I regularly go out in the evening (0.5)

Q41 I often travel after 7pm (0.7)

Q42 I often travel after 10pm (0.9)

Driver N: Travel to more than one location a day

Q34 I usually travel to more than one location each day (1)

Driver O: Outdoor activities

Q35 I regularly do outdoor activities in my free time (leisure walks, cycling, etc) (1)

Driver P: Cultural activities

Q 36 I regularly do cultural activities in my free time (theatre, concert, museum, galleries, etc.) (1)

Driver Q: Travel alone

Q38 I usually travel alone on my daily journeys (1)

Driver R: Travel with children

Q39 I regularly travel with children under 10 years (1)

Driver S: Must be at work on time

Q40 On most days, it is not a problem for me if I arrive 10 minutes late to work or for other responsibilities (1)

Excluded questions

Q19 I would like to see more road space being converted to bus-only lanes to make bus journeys in Surrey faster and more reliable

Q28 I am not fixed on a particular mode of transport; my mode choice depends on the situation

Q31 Most recent cars are too big, fast and heavy

Factor analysis allowed grouping the multiple-choice survey questions into 19 drivers of people’s decisions to join the bus. Factor analysis searches for statistical correlation among the responses for the different survey questions.

We have facilitated two focus groups with exis-ting and potential bus users to develop the survey questions Q01 till Q40.

The focus groups have been trans-cribed and ana-lysed using quali-tative research methods.

Factor analysis of responses to multiple-choice questionnaire*

* Loading factors from factor analysis for each question in brackets. Loading factors close to ±1 mean that question explains driver well.